What do we do

National Committee for the Conservation of Industrial Heritage
Studies in industrial heritage have reached, in the contemporary world, an unquestionable historical importance and social relevance.
The analysis of the material vestiges of the industrial revolution – plants, factories, houses, fluvial channels, bridges, dikes and dams for multiple uses, aqueducts, roads and railway stations, tracks and viaducts, among many others, as well as all species of machines and tools – began to be part of the construction of the memory and identity of the populations.
In England, from the 1950s, industrial goods were listed and recognized by the National Council of Archaeology. In 1963 the first journal specialized in the area arose, the "Journal of Industrial Archeology", later "Industrial Archaeology". In addition, in that country some scholars, academic or not, such as Charles Hadfield, Kenneth Hudson, Arturo Raistrick and George Watkins, had begun to carry out a series of surveys and analyzes of buildings or industrial areas, which, in a certain way, sensitized public opinion. around these industrial vestiges.
In 1978, in Stockholm, Sweden, on the occasion of the III International Congress for the conservation of industrial monuments - the first had been in 1973 in Ironbridge - the International Committee for the Conservation of Industrial Heritage (TICCIH) was created, an organization whose purpose is promote international cooperation in the field of preservation, conservation, research, education, documentation and valuation of industrial heritage.
In the case of Colombia, studies on industrialization and industrial history have given rise to countless efforts and research on the subject since the first specialized study that precursor of these analyses, Industry and Protection in Colombia, 1810-1930, Ospina Vásquez Luis ( 1955). Editorial Santafé, Bogotá, Colombia, to Origins of the industry in Colombia, various authors (2012). Credential Historia Magazine, Bogotá, Colombia, or publications more related to case study topics on architecture and/or industrial urbanism such as: Architecture, industry and city in Valle del Cauca. Types and Techniques (1917-1945), Galindo Díaz, Jorge (2002). CITCE Research Center, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia; Royal cane brandy factories in the New Kingdom of Granada. Industrial architecture, 17th century, Gonzalez Mora, Felipe (2002). Editorial Javeriana University, Bogota, Colombia; Wheat Mills in New Granada: 17th-18th Centuries, Andrès Eduardo Satizàbal Villegas (2004). Editorial National University of Colombia, Bogotà, Colombia; The industries in the process of expansion of Bogotà towards the west, Acebedo Restrepo, Luis Fernando (2006). National University of Colombia, Bogotà, Colombia.
However, in Colombia, there is still no theoretical, methodological and practical "corpus" formed for knowledge about industrial heritage. Many buildings and industrial complexes of interest are abandoned until their destruction, are reconverted without evaluation criteria, or in many cases are demolished to accommodate new uses.
Therefore, the analysis, study, and valuation of the Colombian industrial heritage in all areas, becomes a very important action, not only in the implications of its consideration as a national immovable cultural heritage, but also in the interest of disseminating life, the work and productive traditions of past generations still present in the national territory.
Our offer, TICCIH COLOMBIA, is to generate and establish a meeting space for dialogue between different researchers, professionals from different areas, workers, businessmen, institutions and those interested in the subject who work in this area, developing the possibility of an exchange of experiences and information.